davidgohel / ReporteRs

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Use of magrittr makes document creation look cleaner #134

Closed rpruim closed 8 years ago

rpruim commented 8 years ago
require( ggplot2 )
doc = docx( title = 'My document' )

doc = addTitle( doc , 'First 5 lines of iris', level = 1)
doc = addFlexTable( doc , vanilla.table(iris[1:5, ]), 
                    layout.properties= get.light.tableProperties())

doc = addTitle( doc , 'ggplot2 example', level = 1)
myggplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris, color = Species, size = Petal.Width )
doc = addPlot( doc = doc , fun = print, x = myggplot )

doc = addTitle( doc , 'Text example', level = 1)
doc = addParagraph( doc, 'My tailor is rich.', stylename = 'Normal' )

writeDoc( doc, 'files/gettingstarted/my_first_doc.docx' )


require( ggplot2 )
myggplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris, color = Species, size = Petal.Width )

doc <- 
  docx(title = 'My document') %>%
  addTitle('First 5 lines of iris', level = 1) %>%
  addFlexTable(vanilla.table(iris[1:5, ]), 
                    layout.properties= get.light.tableProperties()) %>%
  addTitle( doc , 'ggplot2 example', level = 1) %>%
  addPlot(fun = print, x = myggplot) %>%
  addTitle('Text example', level = 1) %>%
  addParagraph('My tailor is rich.', stylename = 'Normal')

doc %>% writeDoc('files/gettingstarted/my_first_doc.docx')
davidgohel commented 8 years ago


in the next doc update, I will make a mention to magrittr.