ReporteRs has been rewritten. The new package is
. FlexTable
objects are now implemented in package
. Vector
graphics are now implemented in package
and Native Microsoft
charts can be produced with package
Please use officer instead of ReporteRs. There are issues when using java > 1.8 that won’t be fixed.
is an R package for creating Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
documents. It does not require any Microsoft component to be used. It
runs on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS systems. It is designed to
automate reporting generation from R.
You can use the package as a tool for fast reporting and as a tool for reporting automation.
There are several features to let you format and present R outputs, for example:
objects let you format any complex table.There are default templates and default values, it enables easy generation of R outputs in few lines of codes.
Below a short R script:
require( ggplot2 )
doc = docx( title = 'My document' )
doc = addTitle( doc , 'First 5 lines of iris', level = 1)
doc = addFlexTable( doc , vanilla.table(iris[1:5, ]) )
doc = addTitle( doc , 'ggplot2 example', level = 1)
myggplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris, color = Species, size = Petal.Width )
doc = addPlot( doc = doc , fun = print, x = myggplot )
doc = addTitle( doc , 'Text example', level = 1)
doc = addParagraph( doc, 'My tailor is rich.', stylename = 'Normal' )
writeDoc( doc, "demo.docx" )
It lets you also create corporate documents, creation of complex tables, pretty graphical rendering with a set of R functions.
To automate document generation only R code is necessary.
With Word and PowerPoint document, you can add contents from R but also replace contents. By default, content is added at the end of the specified template document. When generating Word document, bookmarks can be used to define locations of replacements in the document. When generating PowerPoint document, slide indexes can be used to define locations of slides to replace in the presentation.
ReporteRs needs rJava
with a java version >= 1.6 and \<= 1.8 ; make
sure you have an installed JRE.
system("java -version")
should return java version ‘1.6.0’ or
Test your rJava
installation with the following code, you should get
your java version in a string:
#> [1] 0
#> [1] "1.8.0_172"
The help pages are located at
This project is developped and maintained on my own time. In order to
help me to maintain the package, do not send me private emails if you
only have questions about how to use the package. Instead, visit
Stackoverflow, ReporteRs
has its own tag Stackoverflow
link! I usually
read them and answer when possible.
When you file a bug report, please spend some time making it easy for me to follow and reproduce. The more time you spend on making the bug report coherent, the more time I can dedicate to investigate the bug as opposed to the bug report.