davidgohel / ReporteRs

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Apply Template to Powerpoint Within Package #139

Closed nicholas-vogt closed 8 years ago

nicholas-vogt commented 8 years ago

I'm using ReporteRs in my R package to export powerpoints. I have a template I want to use as the default for all slides. My current calls look like this:

ppt <- pptx('Automated Powerpoint', 
            template = 'powerpoints/template.pptx')

This works fine in the package, but my users would always need a copy of that template in their subdirectory for the function to operate. Is there a way to call a template from within the package structure without requiring users to have a copy of the template in their subdirectories?

I'm thinking along the same functionality as the DESCRIPTION or LICENSE files. You can call each from the package if you need to, but they're built in and don't require the user to have a local copy.

Thanks in advance!

davidgohel commented 8 years ago



nicholas-vogt commented 8 years ago

This is perfect! Thanks! Learned something new today. :+1: