davidgohel / ReporteRs

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addBookmark function #148

Closed slarge closed 8 years ago

slarge commented 8 years ago

I need to generate multiple reports from a single docx template - incredibly easy thanks to this package (thanks!). At a later stage, I would like to be able to add figures, text, or tables at bookmarks generated while modifying the original docx template. I think, in principle, this is a similar request as Issue 145. Perhaps the simple way to do this is to have a function like addBookmark(). Simple example follows. I commented out my pseudo-code for how such a function might appear. Thanks in advance for your help!

library( ReporteRs )
library( ggplot2 )

# Template from http://davidgohel.github.io/ReporteRs/files/word/word_bookmark_template.docx
mydoc <- docx( template = "files/word/word_bookmark_template.docx" )

authorList <- c("Randy", "Ted", "Marvin", "Norton") 

# replace bookmarks 'AUTHOR'
for(i in authorList)

mydoc <- addParagraph( mydoc
                       , value = i   
                       , stylename = "small"
                       , bookmark = "AUTHOR" )
# add bookmark value "BookmarkMe", here:
#mydoc <- addBookmark( mydoc
#                      , value = "BookmarkMe" )

writeDoc( mydoc, file = paste0("files/word/word_replacement-", i, ".docx"))

# Later, for each report, I can replace bookmarks 'BookmarkMe'
mydoc <- docx( "files/word/word_bookmark-Norton.docx" )
mydoc <- addPlot( mydoc, fun = print, x = myplot1, bookmark = "BookmarkMe" )
writeDoc( mydoc, file = "files/word/word_replacement-Norton.docx")
davidgohel commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the suggestion. I will work on the bookmark system soon.


davidgohel commented 8 years ago

I think #145 is a solution for your question. You don't really need to add bookmarks if they are kept after replacement.