davidgohel / ReporteRs

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change font.size in addTitle PPTX #156

Closed AntoineBrisacier closed 8 years ago

AntoineBrisacier commented 8 years ago

Hello David, I try to change font size of my title in a powerpoint slide using pot object. But I get the following error message : Error in .jcall(slide, "I", "addTitle", value) : method addTitle with signature ()I not found Called from: .jcall(slide, "I", "addTitle", value)_

Is there another way to proceed without changing the original template Regards Antoine

davidgohel commented 8 years ago

Hello Antoine,

Yes, there is another way, you will find below an solution using addParagraph.

KR, David

gg <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = cyl, color = disp)) + geom_point()

pptx() %>%
  addSlide("Title and Content") %>%
  addParagraph(pot("pa pa pa pam", format = textBold(font.size = 20)), 
               par.properties = parProperties(), offx = 1, offy = .5, width = 11, height = 1 ) %>%
  addPlot(fun = print, x = gg, vector.graphic = TRUE, offx = 1, offy = 1.5, width = 6, height = 5) %>%