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Level in parProperties not working / No second level bullet #188

Closed Jannickz closed 7 years ago

Jannickz commented 7 years ago


I'm working on creating a paragraph that can have multi-levels of bullet points, but the level argument in parProperties() doesn't seem to work. No matter what number I assigned to it, the outcome only give me the first level bullet.

The following is my code:

ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = 'first line',
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'unordered', level = 1))
ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = 'second line',append=T,
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'unordered', level = 2))
ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = 'third line', append=T,
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'unordered', level = 2))

Many thanks!!! Jannick

davidgohel commented 7 years ago


par.properties is used only when value is a pot.

pptx.file = "presentation_example.pptx"

# Create a new document
ppt = pptx( title = "title" )
ppt = addSlide( ppt, slide.layout = "Two Content" )
ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = pot('first line'),
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'unordered', level = 1))
ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = pot('second line'),append=T,
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'unordered', level = 2))
ppt <- addParagraph( ppt , value = 'third line', append=T,
                     par.properties = parProperties(list.style = 'ordered', level = 4))
writeDoc( ppt, file = pptx.file )

I have updated the doc of addParagraph that was not mentioning it.