davidjsherman / mmg

open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional remeshing
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mmg - Surface and volume remeshers

mmg is an open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional surface and volume remeshing.

It provides 3 applications and 4 libraries:

Get and compile the mmg project

  1. Get the repository:

      wget https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg/archive/master.zip


      git clone https://github.com/MmgTools/mmg.git

    The project sources are available under the src/ directory, see:

    • src/mmg2d/ for files related to the mmg2d application;
    • src/mmgs/ for files related to the mmgs application;
    • src/mmg3d/ for files related to the mmg3d application;
    • src/common/ for files related to the both.
  2. Fast compilation (build both mmg2d, mmgs, mmg3d, the mmg2d static library (libmmg3d.a), the mmgs static library (libmmgs.a), the mmg3d static library (libmmg3d.a) and the mmg static library (libmmg.a)):

      cd mmg  
      mkdir build  
      cd build  
      cmake ..  
      make install

    If the make install command fail, try to run the sudo make install command. If you don't have root access, please refers to the [Installation] section(https://github.com/MmgTools/Mmg/wiki/Setup-guide#iii-installation) of the setup guide.

    The mmg2d, mmgs and mmg3d applications are available under the mmg2d_O3, mmgs_O3 and mmg3d_O3 commands.


Project's web page

Project's actualities and software tutorials can be found on the mmgtools web page.

Mmg's forum

Share your comments and issues with other members of the Mmg community on the Mmg forum.

GitHub's Wiki

More detailed informations about the compilation and configuration of the mmg's applications are available on the project wiki.


Man pages are available inside the doc/man directory:

Code documentation

Run the make doc command to build the Doxygen documentation.


The mmg applications are validated on OS X and on most of the Linux platforms.


Your contributions to the mmg project are welcomed. You can help us to improve our code by many means:

About the team

mmg's current developers and maintainers are Charles Dapogny, Cécile Dobrzynski, Pascal Frey and Algiane Froehly.

Contact: contact@mmgtools.org

License and copyright

Code is under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Copyright © Bx INP/Inria/UBordeaux/UPMC, 2004- .


Three-dimensional adaptive domain remeshing, implicit domain meshing, and applications to free and moving boundary problems - C. Dapogny, C. Dobrzynski and P. Frey - April 1, 2014 - JCP