davidmreed / paytransparency.work

Discover your pay transparency rights across the United States
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link
pay-transparency svelte sveltekit


PayTransparency.work is built by David Reed using SvelteKit, Heroicons, and Tailwind CSS.

United States map icons are from coryetzkorn and originally derive from ProPublica's StateFace. Canada map icons are derived from Wikimedia's Canada map.

This site is open source and available under the MIT License. Want to improve the site, or add more transparency data? Open a Pull Request on GitHub!

Working on the Application

To work on PayTransparency.work, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that you have git and npm installed on your computer.
  2. Clone the Git repo.
  3. Run npm install in the repo to install dependencies.
  4. Run npm run dev to start the hot-reloading dev environment.
  5. Run npm run build to build the static files. This is important to validate that changes don't impact SvelteKit's ability to statically render the entire site.