davidpiesse / nova-map

Laravel Nova Map Field
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Is there a plan to make a search by point and radius? #8

Closed eboye closed 3 years ago

eboye commented 5 years ago

I'm struggling to find an approach to implement an map interfere to search for users within a circle on a map.

I know it's not a field, but maybe you guys have an idea what could be used to filter users by latlng and do an nova action on them?

eboye commented 5 years ago

Thanks for a response ... I think I know now how I'll approach. I'll sure make a PR if I make any changes that will benefit the library 😉

davidpiesse commented 5 years ago

There is no plan to implement search at this time. However a PR will be happily accepted with the functionality in it for an action/search/filter etc.

Filtering is possible spatially, but it depends on the format of the incoming spatial data. If it is true db spatial (MySQL Spatial types) then we can use DB functions to do buffers and within. For GeoJSON and LatLon fields we need to manually implement this.

We would also need to allow for polygons and polylines as well and overlaps/contains filters as well. All is possible but its a branch of the original intention of this project.

N.B. I would have added this functionality to a separate package before for a opportunity I had but it never materialized.