davidpiesse / nova-map

Laravel Nova Map Field
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Map Field

This map field currently ONLY shows in details view


You can use this Map Field with three different sort of spatial data:

Spatial Types

To specify what sort of spatial data you are passing to this field you MUST set the spatialType() for example


These are the valid Spatial Types



Map::make('Some Point Field', 'point_field_name')


Map::make('Some Polygon Field', 'polygon_field_name')


Map::make('Some GeoJSON Field')

Latitude & Longitude (in seperate fields)

Map::make('Some Point Location')

Latitude & Longitude (in single fields)

Map::make('Some Point Location', 'coordinate_field_name')

Set the Height

Map::make('Some Point Field', 'point_field_name')

Setting up the Laravel Spatial Types

You need to install grimzy/laravel-mysql-spatial into your main application

composer require grimzy/laravel-mysql-spatial

Add the SpatialTrait to your Model

use SpatialTrait;

You then also need to set any spatial fields you have set in the Model

protected $spatialFields = [

Your Model is now ready to process spatial data to Nova

Future Development