davidscheutz / Unison

Opinionated app architecture inspired by ETA & Mobius
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First things first: This is the beginning of a community-driven open-source project actively seeking contributions, be it code, documentation, or ideas.


Unison is tailored to suit modern development practices. Whether you prefer to prototype and preview the UI first, test-drive it or work based on specifications resulting from a technical planning.

Applications build with Unison are consistent and simple, harnessing the power of both Functional Programming (FP) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

By incorporating key principles from these paradigms, Unison offers:

These principles facilitate the development of robust, reliable, and bug-free Swift applications.

Unison is compatible with all Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS) and comes with convenient syntax for seamless integration with SwiftUI.


The Unison framework is based on the Model-Update-Effect (MUE) pattern. MUE emphasizes unidirectional data flow and the separation of state, business logic, and side effects, fostering maintainable and testable applications.



Not in the mood to read more documentation? To see Unison in action, checkout the included demo project that showcases some examples of how to use the framework in real-world-ish scenarios.

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 21 12 50

To run the demo project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or downlaod the Unison repository
  2. Open the project using Xcode
  3. Select UnisonDemo target
  4. Build and run the project


TODO add more details

  1. Add Swift Package dependency
  2. Add Unison CodeGenerator as Build Tool Plugin

How does it work?


The State component is a model containing all the information required to render the view. It should be immutable, with all fields declared using the let keyword.

struct YourViewState: Equatable, SmartCopy {
    let userInput: String

Unison generates copy functions for each struct that conforms to the SmartCopy protocol.

Implementing the Equatable protocol is required by Unison to determine state changes.


The Event component defines all user interactions that can be captured by the screen. It should be designed to be as granular as possible to enable more precise control over state updates.

enum YourViewEvent {
    case userInputChanged(String)


The Update component is the only place where state updates occur. It is designed to be pure, meaning that all functions implemented here are deterministic and therefore easily testable.

Update requires two functions to be implemented: one to handle user input (events), and another to handle results from effects.

typealias Result = UpdateResult<YourViewState, YourEffect>

func handle(event: YourViewEvent, _ currentState: YourViewState) -> Result
func handle(result: YourEffect.Result, _ currentState: YourViewState) -> Result

The return value for an update function can be:

public enum UpdateResult<State, Effect> {
    case noChange
    case newState(state: State)
    case dispatchEffect(state: State, effect: Effect)


The Effect component represents functions that have side effects, such as API calls, persisting data, and navigation. Effects need to have defined results as well.

enum YourEffect: Effect {
    case action(input: String)

    enum YourResult {
        case success
        case failure(Error)

Effect Handler

The Effect Handler is where code is implemented to perform each effect defined previously.

func handle(_ effect: YourEffect) async -> EffectResult<YourEffect.Result> {

The retrun value for an effect can be:

public enum EffectResult<Result> {
    case repeating(AsyncStream<Result>)
    case single(Result)
    case empty

Putting it all together

Every View is constructed with two parameters: an immutable state and a completion that handles user input.

struct YourView: View, UnisonView {

    let state: YourViewState
    let handler: (YourViewEvent) -> Void

UnisonView provides a several extension to instantiate and connect your views.

     initialState: YourViewState(),
     update: YourUpdate.self,
     effectHandler: YourEffectHandler.self


This framework is inpired mainly inspired by Mobius. The intention was to create something more leight-weight and straight-forward to use for iOS.


Contributions to Unison are welcome and encouraged! If you have an idea for a feature or improvement, please submit a pull request or open an issue.


Unison is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Unison was created by David Scheutz.