davidsoergel / jlibsvm

Efficient training of Support Vector Machines in Java
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Efficient training of Support Vector Machines in Java


This is beta code. While LIBSVM is stable, it's possible that I broke something in the process of refactoring it. I've done ad-hoc testing primarily with the C_SVC machine and an RBF kernel, and got results that were identical to LIBSVM as far as I could tell. There are not (yet?) any unit tests. I'm running some automated verifications that jlibsvm behaves identically to LIBSVM for a number of input datasets and parameter choices; results will be available here soon. Please let me know if you find a situation in which the two packages give different results.


Sorry, I haven't really had a chance to write any docs. Have a look at the sources for the command-line programs in the legacyexec package to see how jlibsvm gets called. Very briefly, you'll need to:

  1. instantiate the KernelFunction that you want
  2. set up some parameters in a new SvmParameter object
  3. instantiate a concrete subclass of SvmProblem (binary, multiclass, or regression), and populate it with training data
  4. instantiate a concrete subclass of SVM, choosing a type appropriate for your problem
  5. Call SVM.train(problem) to yield a SolutionModel, which can be used to make predictions


Maven is by far the easiest way to make use of jlibsvm. Just add these to your pom.xml:

        <id>dev.davidsoergel.com releases</id>
        <id>dev.davidsoergel.com snapshots</id>


If you really want just the jar, you can get the latest release from the Maven repo; or get the latest stable build from the build server.