dayday0calories / CITS5505-Group-Project

CITS5505 Group Project
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New feature: Notification System #25

Open dayday0calories opened 1 month ago

dayday0calories commented 1 month ago

Hey guys, I've added a new notification. Now users will be notified if they get a new reply or are mentioned by other.

The forum notification system tracks user actions such as creating posts, replies, or mentions and generates notifications accordingly. When a user creates a post or reply, the forum detects this action and triggers the notification system. The system then creates a notification entry, stores it in the database, and delivers it to the relevant users through the forum's interface, email, or push notifications. This system keeps users engaged and informed about important activities, enhancing interaction and overall user experience on the forum.

By efficiently notifying users about relevant actions, the forum ensures timely information delivery, boosts user engagement, and encourages more interaction. The notification system is implemented with hooks to detect actions, a database schema to store notifications, and various delivery methods to ensure users receive their notifications promptly.