dayday0calories / CITS5505-Group-Project

CITS5505 Group Project
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


Group Members

| Student ID | Name | Github Username | | ---------- | --------- | --------------- | | 23954248 | Zhang Chi | MomobamiKiraly | | 24125299 | Yu Xia | dayday0calories | | 23957505 | Zongqi Wu | jacky-zq-woo | | 23895642 | Yi Ren | lingering126 |

SpeedSters (A World of Fancy Cars)

Welcome to the SpeedSters, the premier online destination for car lovers in this globe! This web application is designed to foster a vibrant community where users can share their beloved cars, discuss various car-related topics, and access a wealth of latest car-related news from worldwide. Whether you're looking to show off your beloved cars, seek advice for buying a car, or find a event you are interested to join, SpeedSters is your go-to hub for all things cars only.


Instructions for Running the Application

To get started with SpeedSters, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the project
    flask run
    * Running on

If the program does not run properly, check the following steps:

  1. Check Python Installation: Verifies if Python3 is installed on the system,if not,install latest Python version.
  2. Check Flask Installation: Checks if Flask is installed globally and, if absent, attempt to install it.
  3. Virtual Environment Management: If a virtual environment does not exist, create one using Python3.
  4. Dependency Installation: Ensures a requirements.txt file is present and installs all dependencies listed.
  5. Check Port Availability: Checks if the specified port is available.

Shutdown the Application

Simply run:

Ctrl + C

Instructions for Running the Tests

Download ChromeWebdriver, add the installing path to environment variable.

Then run the app using

   flask run
    * Running on

Then open a new terminal, run

python -m unittest discover -s tests