dayday0calories / CITS5505-Group-Project

CITS5505 Group Project
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Allow users to register and log in #3

Open lingering126 opened 2 months ago

lingering126 commented 2 months ago

Feature: Allow users to create their accounts with their username, password and emails, and log in with username and password.

Proposed implementation:

  1. User registration: Can create a registration form with fileds for username, password and email. It should have a validation which makes sure the username is unique. When the user submits the registration form, it should send a POST request to the server, and insert the user record to the sqlite database. To secure the password, it should be hashed before storing.

  2. User login: It should have a login form with fields for username and password. After the user filled the form, it sends a POST request to the server, then the server retrive the user record from the database. If matched, the user should be directed to a home page, otherwise, prompts users that the username and password mismatched.

lingering126 commented 2 months ago

I have already completed this part and passed the tests in my environment. It's in the "user-account-create&login" branch.

Then, once the front-end completed, I will pull the changes in his branch and test my code. If it works, I will create a pull request.

lingering126 commented 2 months ago

This is the image demo:

Screenshot 2024-05-01 173655 Screenshot 2024-05-01 173542 Screenshot 2024-05-01 173530

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to comment below! 😀