dayne / d.pi

Raspberry Pi Project Idea tracking space
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Raspberry Pi Helper Stuff

This Github repo d.pi is to help track basic scripts and helper tools I've found online, hacked, or developed to support making RaspberryPi systems a bit more fun.

I'm using the issue tracker to keep track of both a few future projects or problems I've found. Feel free to use it to ask me questions about stuff.

credit / authorship

There are a few tools in collected in here that started out as code provided online. I have tried to ensure credit is given either directly at the top of the file in comments the location of the author or in another note. Licensing on blog posts can be vague - so my goal has been to give credit up and link to original source up front - please feel free to contact me if you are an author of code found here and want expanded credit/licensing/removal.

master -> main

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a