Use this repo template to create your own Deduper repo - you should do all your work in your own repository. Please name it Deduper-<github-user-name>
Write up a strategy for writing a Reference Based PCR Duplicate Removal tool. That is, given a sorted sam file of uniquely mapped reads, remove all PCR duplicates (retain only a single copy of each read). Develop a strategy that avoids loading everything into memory. You should not write any code for this portion of the assignment. Be sure to:
For this portion of the assignment, you should design your algorithm for single-end data, with 96 UMIs. UMI information will be in the QNAME, like so: NS500451:154:HWKTMBGXX:1:11101:15364:1139:GAACAGGT
. Discard any UMIs with errors (or think about how you might error correct, if you're feeling ambitious).
An important part of writing code is reviewing code - both your own and other's. In this portion of the assignment, you will be assigned 3 students' pseudocode algorithms to review. Be sure to evaluate the following points:
You can find your assigned reviewees on Canvas. You can find your fellow students' repositories at<user>/Deduper-<github-user-name>
Be sure to leave comments on their repositories by creating issues or by commenting on the pull request.
Write your deduper function!
Given a SAM file of uniquely mapped reads, and a text file containing the known UMIs, remove all PCR duplicates (retain only a single copy of each read). Remember:
samtools sort
outside of your Python script)You MUST:
, --file
: designates absolute file path to sorted sam file-o
, --outfile
: designates absolute file path to deduplicated sam file-u
, --umi
: designates file containing the list of UMIs-h
, --help
: prints a USEFUL help message (see argparse docs)
./<your_last_name> -u STL96.txt -f <in.sam> -o <out.sam>
and place it in the top level of your repo (that is, not inside a folder)