dazeb / The-Chia-Farmer

A list of useful scripts and applications used for the Chia Blockchain.
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The Chia Farmer 🌱

A list of apps useful scripts and apps used for farming on the Chia Blockchain.


Plotting Managers 👨‍🌾

SWAR Pot Manager - Manages plots and plotting using CLI. Allows features like staggered start. [Windows/Linux/Mac]

Plotman - Create, stagger, auto start. Rsync's final plot to destination. CLI based. [Linux/Mac]

PlotNG - Multi-Platform Plotter, Offers a mix of GUI and CLI [Linux/Windows/Mac]

Ploto - PowerShell Module that allows to spawn, manage and move plots. [Windows]

Harry Plotter - Harry Plotter is an easy to use magical Chia plot manager for muggles![Linux/Windows/Mac]

Plotter Speed Mods ⚙️

Chia Plotting Mod - Edits Chiapos to output plots faster. Use at your own risk Link to thread on archive.org.

AIO Stacks 🗳

Machinaris - WebUI for Chia Plotting. Includes Chia, Plotman, and Chiadog in a single Docker image. [Windows/Linux/Mac]

Dashboards & Monitoring 📊

Chiamon - Chia Monitoring Docker Stack. Runs Grafana, Prometheus, mtail, Loki to display beautiful live statistics.

ChiaPlotStatus - An excellent app for beginners. Gives detailed stats on your plots pulled from log files. [Windows/Linux]

Chia Telegram Bot - Telegram notifications from your Chia node. [Windows/Linux/Mac]

Chiadog - A watch dog providing a peace in mind that your Chia farm is running smoothly 24/7.

Faucets 💰

Official Chia Faucet ✔ - 100 Mojo FREE. Set up by official Chia devs to allow people to join pools.

TogaTech Chia Faucet - Great faucet that sends you 1,000,000 mojo (0.000001 XCH) totally free!

Web Apps 🖥

Chia Wallet Balance - Check status of a Chia Wallet address.

Links 🔗

ChiaLinks - An amazing resource full of Chia resources.


All links have been checked but please use due diligence. Some apps have been left out because they are closed source.

CHIA NETWORK INC, CHIA™, the CHIA BLOCKCHAIN™, the CHIA PROTOCOL™, CHIALISP™ and the “leaf Logo” (including the leaf logo alone when it refers to or indicates Chia), are trademarks or registered trademarks of Chia Network, Inc., a Delaware corporation. There is no affliation between this Machinaris project and the main Chia Network project.