dbankier / JAST

JAST is a boilerplate with a mash of tools for rapid Alloy development
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JAST Stack

PLEASE NOTE: the project structure has changed. Read below and only upgrade old projects with great caution.

JAST is a boilerplate with a mash of tools for rapid Alloy development. Let's be opinionated then. The stack includes:

And these libraries:

And these widgets:

See the following (outdated) demo - it uses LTSS instead of STSS but you'll get the idea.

If you would like coffee with that see grunt-titanium-tishadow.


Let's Go


The configuration is at the head of the Gruntfile.js.

You must modify the ti_args values to suit your environment. The ti info command can help to get the correct ios simulator device id.

You can optionally modify Project Specific Definitions section.


Note: the grunt dev command will start the tishadow server and launch a tishadow appified version of your app. All code changes will be selectively precompiled and pushed (live-reload).

Manual Install with Extras :+1:

If you want to:

You will need to install alloy from master and at least v.2.8.0 of tishadow - follow these steps.

Use the Yeoman generator: generator-alloy


 npm install -g yo generator-alloy
 mkdir /path/to/new/app && cd $_
 yo alloy

If you want to use


Make ALL changes in the src directory. The ENTIRE app directory will be cleaned on grunt clean.


License: MIT