dbarenholz / halcyon-obsidian

The Halcyon colour scheme by Brittany Chiang, ported to be used in Obsidian.
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link
halcyon-theme obsidian-theme

Halcyon for Obsidian


I fell in love with the Halcyon colour scheme, so I decided to port it to my favourite notetaking app, Obsidian. Halcyon is dark-mode only.


You can install Halcyon through Obsidian, or manually.

Through Obsidian (Recommended)

  1. Go to settings > appearance.
  2. Click Manage next to Themes.
  3. Search for Halcyon.
  4. Click Install and use.
  5. Enjoy using my favourite theme! 🥳


Note: manually installed themes do not get updated automatically. You should prefer installing through obsidian if possible.

  1. Download the latest release as ZIP file.
  2. Extract the folder into your vault's .obsidian/themes folder.
  3. Go to settings > appearance.
  4. Select Halcyon from the dropdown list.
  5. Enjoy using my favourite theme! 🥳

Plugin Support

Known Issues

There are a few limitations that are outside of my control as theme developer. Here's a list of them.

Did you find more issues? Let me know by making an issue!

Style Settings

As of version 0.0.4 there is now a basic support for style settings. This version is still work in progress and unreleased, but the code has been pushed to git.


This theme is released under the MIT License.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This theme would never have seen its conception, if not for the following people:


Version 0.0.4 (work in progress):

Version 0.0.3:

Version 0.0.2:

Version 0.0.1: