dbarzin / deming

Management tool for the information security management system / Outil de gestion du système de management de la sécurité de l'information
GNU General Public License v3.0
238 stars 58 forks source link
27001 27002 ciso controls grc isms nis2 nis2directive security smsi


Latest Release License Contributors Stars

:rocket: Introduction

In a world where information security is more critical than ever, organizations must not only implement security measures, but also ensure that they are effective and efficient. Deming is here to help you meet this challenge head on.

:question: What is Deming?

Deming is a powerful, intuitive tool designed for managing, planning, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of security measures. In line with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Chapter 9, Deming helps you guarantee appropriate and proportionate security, while complying with the most demanding standards.

:dart: Why monitor?

Regular monitoring and evaluation of security measures is essential for :

Deming gives you the tools you need to meet these objectives effectively.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Performance assessment

According to ISO 27001, chapter 9.1, it is imperative to assess security performance. Deming guides you through this process, enabling you to:

:computer: Screen overview

:star: Main screen

:white_check_mark: List of controls

:calendar: Control planning

:memo: Action plan management

:satellite: Protective measures coverage view

:page_facing_up:️ ISMS steering meeting report

:books: Documentation

To find out more about using the application, please refer to the user documentation.

:hammer_and_wrench:️ Technologies used

⚙️ Installation

Follow the installation procedure for Debian to set up the application.

Follow the installation procedure for Ubuntu to set up the application.

:car: Roadmap

Consult the roadmap to discover future developments of Deming.

:scroll: License

Deming is open source software distributed under the GPL license. Contribute, improve and participate in securing information systems worldwide!