dbaumgarten / yodk

Development Kit for Starbase's ingame programming language YOLOL
MIT License
57 stars 16 forks source link
developer-tools nolol programming-language starbase vscode-extension yolol

YODK - YOLOL Development Kit

Build Status

What is YOLOL?

YOLOL is the ingame programming language for the upcoming game starbase.

What is the YODK?

The yodk aims to be a toolkit that helps with the development of YOLOL-Scripts. YOLOL is a pretty limited language and the lack of common features is really annoying for experienced programmers. The yodk (and in the future especially nolol) will try to mitigate this.

It mainly consists of:



For more detailed information, see the documentation.


For more detailed information, see the documentation.


For an overview over the features of nolol, visit the documentation.


CLI - Binaries

You can find pre-build versions of the binaries here. Just download them, unpack the zip file and place the binary somewhere in your PATH.

(For help with adding things to PATH, see here: Windows, Linux, Mac)

CLI - From source

You will need to have the go-toolchain (>=v1.14) installed.
Run: go get -v github.com/dbaumgarten/yodk
This will download yodk and it's dependencies, compile it and store the binary in the bin folder of your gopath.

It is helpful to add the yodk-binary to your path.

VScode extension

You can install vscode-yolol directly from the vscode marketplace. For more information, see the documentation.

Compatibility guarantees

Absolutely none. There could be breaking changes to the code at any time. If you want to use this project's code in your own project, you best use go-modules to pin your dependency to a fixed version number.

The goal is to be as compatible with the game as (reasonably) possible. Even if that means to re-implement weird bugs of the ingame-parser.
In cases where full compatibility is not feasible, yodk will try to be "downward-compatible" to the game: Everything that works in yodk SHOULD also work in-game. But a few weird edge-cases that work in the game will be treated as errors in yodk.

If you find differences between the game's implementation and yodk, please open an issue.

Supported Operating Systems

Yodk (and therefore also vscode-yolol) supports the following Systems:


Found bugs, suggestions, want to add features? Just open an issue.

Check out the contribution-guidelines for information on how to contribute and/or how to set up a dev-environment.

You can, of course, fork this repo and create your own version of the yodk, but please consider working on this together. This way we will achieve more.