~create a new repository~ already done
Create a new repository from https://github.com/bgpat/isucon-boilerplate/generate.
add members
Invite your team members from https://github.com/dbgofy/isucon13/settings/access. After them have confirmed, run Update SSH Keys.
Run following commands by root
generate and register ssh deploy key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Copy the result and register as a deploy key.
cd /
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:dbgofy/isucon13.git
git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
Add deploy key and run git push -u origin master
make monitoring
Access to 3999 port from your browser.
vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
git add -f *.go