dbgrande / GrandeModular

Modules for VCV Rack
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microtonal vcvrack

Grande Modules for VCV Rack 2

By David Grande

New for v2.8.0: Dark panels for all my modules are now supported using Rack 2.4's "Use dark panels if available" View option. See example image for Clip below, the others are similar.


Clip Clip-dark

Polyphonic hard clipper and visual clip monitor.

Provides two separate polyphonic clippers with displays, which clip to ±5V by default. The clipping voltage is adjustable by knob (up to ±10V), or polyphonic input voltages (up to ±20V). Can also be used to monitor polyphonic logic signals.

The display shows active (low) channels in blue, while any currently clipping (high) channels are shown in red. To use this just as a clip/logic monitor, just attach the inputs and don’t pass through this module.



Three windowed comparators with common input.

Provides three polyphonic windowed comparators connected to a common input, which will output separate gate signals when the input voltage falls within each comparator's Lower and Upper thresholds (B-Out in picture above).

The Lower threshold (displayed as red) recognizes higher voltages and uses a 'Vin ≥ Vlo' comparison by default. The Upper threshold (displayed as blue) recognizes lower voltages and uses a 'Vin < Vup' comparison by default.

It's also possible to disable Windowing, and just do Upper or Lower comparisons. The mode button turns red for Lower threshold up (A-Out above), and turns blue for Upper threshold down (C-Out above).

Split mode

When the Upper threshold (blue) is set below the Lower threshold (red), this enables Split mode, with the Lower range (red) on top extending up towards +∞, while the Upper range (blue) is on the bottom extending down towards –∞.



Three individual bipolar sine LFOs with separate frequency inputs.

Provides three independent low-frequency bipolar sine oscillators in a compact package. Useful for creating multiple unrelated modulation sources.

For modulating signals without built-in attenuators, or to also add an envelope to a modulation signal, consider using my companion VCA3 module—a triple VCA (see below).

Based on GPL3+ code from the VCV Fundamental LFO.



Four ratioed bipolar sine LFOs with common primary frequency input.

Provides four low-frequency bipolar sine oscillators in a compact package. Useful for creating multiple partially related modulation sources.

Based on GPL3+ code from the VCV Fundamental LFO.



Polyphonic logic gates.

New for v2.7.1: The NOT gate now outputs a logic High (10V) when its input is unconnected. All the 2-input gates still output 0V when both their inputs are unconnected.

Provides a two-input AND, OR, and XOR gate, along with a NOT gate in a compact package. Voltage range is 0V to 10V, but any input voltage greater than 1V is recognized as a High. Additional modes are enabled when the 2-input gates only have one input connected.

For each two-input gate the following modes apply:

XOR mode button: Defines algorithm for XOR when using Across all channels mode. Off = odd-parity mode. On = one-hot mode.

For the NOT gate:



8-channel polyphonic merge.

Provides an 8-channel mono-to-poly merger in a compact package.

Based on my MergeSplit4 module, which was based on GPL3 code from 23Volts.

MergeSplit4 (MS4)


4-channel polyphonic merge and split.

Provides a 4-channel mono-to-poly merger and a 4-channel poly-to-mono splitter in a compact package.

Useful for feeding multiple monophonic signals into my polyphonic quantizers. Run Merge out to Quantizer In, and Quantizer Out back to Split In.

Note however that this combination, with a quantizer and MergeSplit4, adds three sample delays to the V/Oct path. My sampledelay modules can be used to match delays on the gate/trigger path (see below).

Based on GPL3 code from 23Volts Merge4 and Split4, by Rémi Collins, at https://github.com/23volts/23volts-vcv. However, I didn’t use any of his artwork.



Captures polyphonic min/max peaks.

Allows capturing the min and max voltage peaks from two different signals. Useful for debugging the source of troublesome pops and clicks.

Red warning lights turn on if any channel has a peak voltage that exceeds the Threshold knob. Greater than threshold for max (default +12V) and less than negative threshold for min (default –12V).

Min and Max outputs can be connected to mono/poly voltmeters for display, but this module fully takes advantage of Rack 2’s ability to display voltages in the port tooltips—and it does this without needing output wires connected.

PolyMergeResplit (PMR)


Poly-to-poly Merge and Resplit back to the same channel widths.

Provides a 4-to-1 poly-to-poly merger and a 1-to-4 poly-to-poly resplitter in a compact package.

Useful for combining multiple polyphonic signals, processing them with a single polyphonic module (such as a quantizer or VCO), and then resplitting the output signals back to their original number and channel widths.

Merge: Four polyphonic inputs to one polyphonic output.

Resplit: One polyphonic input to four polyphonic outputs.

How to use PolyMergeResplit


To route multiple polyphonic signals through one polyphonic quantizer:



Poly-to-poly splitter with visual selection of channel split points.

Provides a 1-to-4 poly-to-poly splitter in a compact package.

The channels of the polyphonic input can be routed to up to four polyphonic outputs, with the split points defined by the triangular split-point buttons (bright red when selected).



Polyphonic push-button switches.

Provides 16 polyphonic channel buttons (0V/10V) in a compact package.


Quant MergeSplit4 PolyMergeResplit

Normal 12-TET Quantizer with Equi-likely mode.

Factory Preset Scales (new for version 2)

Now easily set one of fourteen different common scales.

* Just the modern ascending-only form of the Melodic Minor scale.

Explanation of Equi-likely mode

Equi-likely mode changes the evenness of notes across the scale. The following images show the differences between normal mode and equi-likely mode using the Blues Scale, which is particularly obvious with its note intervals of 321132.

Blues Normal

Normal quantization (and rounding down)

The probability of randomly getting each note (x-axis) depends on the interval between notes. Closely spaced notes are much less likely than farther spaced notes. With a random input, the probability of picking individual notes varies from 8% to 25%.

Blues Equi-likely

Equi-likely quantization (and rounding down)

In this case, every note is equally likely, with the probability of picking each note the same at 16.7.%

However, equi-likely mode is best for random input voltages. It can cause unexpected note shifting for inputs that are already more-or-less quantized.

SampleDelays (SD)


3 sample delay buffer chains.

Provides three independent sample-delay buffer chains giving one or two sample delays each (polyphonic).



Extra scales for the Quant quantizer.



8-channel polyphonic split.

Provides an 8-channel poly-to-mono splitter in a compact package.

Based on my MergeSplit4 module, which was based on GPL3 code from 23Volts.



Mono-to-poly sequential note splitter—helps preserve envelope tails.

New for v2.7.1: Context modes have been changed. There is now a new Latch mode with three options to replace the old setup, and delays are now fixed per mode. (See below for details.)

—For dealing with polyphonic signals, see my Tails4 module below.

Tails takes a monophonic sequence of notes, as defined by a gate pulse and a V/Oct pitch value, and splits them into multiple polyphonic channels. Gate pulse lengths are not changed, so there can still only be one active note playing at a time. However, by giving each note a separate channel, this allows for each note’s release envelope to continue playing in parallel, giving a much fuller sound.

This is particularly useful for irregular tempos, where widely spaced notes have time to play their tails, but closely spaced notes get cut off abruptly. Note however, that since there’s only one pitch value per note, chords are not directly supported.

Without Tails: Notes and their envelopes get cut off abruptly when a new note appears.


With Tails: Even with just two channels, notes and their envelopes now have significant overlap with the following note. Up to five channels are available for extreme cases.


Warning: Requires use of a polyphonic oscillator (fairly common), and a polyphonic envelope generator (not so common).

Notes Section:


VCA Section:

Also provides a polyphonic VCA, since some mixers don’t support true polyphonic Volume inputs.

Example patch:


Combining multiple Tails modules:


— This example can now be replaced with my Tails4 module below. —

My PolyMergeResplit module can be used to run the notes of several Tails module through one oscillator.

Note: If four Tails modules are combined, make sure the total number of channels is 16 or less (any combination of channel widths).



Quad mono-to-poly sequential note splitter with common outputs—helps preserve envelope tails.

New for v2.7.1: Context modes have been changed. There is now a new Latch mode with three options to replace the old setup, and delays are now fixed per mode. (See below for details.)

Includes four Tails blocks (see Tails documentation above), which each take a monophonic sequence of notes, as defined by a gate pulse and a V/Oct pitch value, and splits them into multiple polyphonic channels so that each note's tail can continue playing in parallel. All the Pitch channels are merged, and all the Gate channels are merged so that both can be sent to a single polyphonic Oscillator.

Also includes a VCA for use with an envelope generator (e.g., ADSR), and a poly Resplit for separating each set of Oscillator output notes for individual processing. (Based on my PolyMergeResplit module.)

Explanation of input modes

Tails Section

VCA Section

Resplit Section:

Example patch:

example patch tails4

Here is the example from the Tails module documentation above, but this time using all three of Marble's Gate and Pitch outputs.

VarSampleDelays (VSD)


Quad independent variable sample-delay buffers.

Provides four independent sample-delay buffers that can be adjusted between one and nine sample delays each (default 5, polyphonic).



Triple voltage-controlled amplifier.

Provides three independent polyphonic voltage-controlled amplifiers, with individual CV inputs, in a compact package.

Work well with my LFO3 and LFO4 modules (see above).



Quad voltage-controlled amplifier.

Provides four basic independent polyphonic voltage-controlled amplifiers in a compact package.

Work well with my LFO3 and LFO4 modules (see above).

The Microtonal Collection



A 1-TET through 34-TET microtonal quad chord generator.

Provides four four-note microtonal chords, all based on current Notes/Oct setting. Chords are labeled A, B, C, and D. All four notes of the selected chord are output on Poly_Out, defined by the Select input.



A 1-TET through 34-TET microtonal octal note generator.

Provides eight settable microtonal notes, all based on current Notes/Oct setting. Each provides a monophonic output, and they can all be combined in the polyphonic output at the bottom.

Combine with a polyphonic switch, like SwitchN1 from 23volts, to make a simple microtonal sequencer.



A 1-TET through 34-TET microtonal note generator and display preprocessor.



A 1-TET through 34-TET microtonal quantizer.

For this quantizer the valid notes are defined indirectly by pitch intervals.




A 1-TET through 34-TET microtonal quantizer.

For this quantizer the valid notes are defined directly by number.
