dblazeski / express-chrome-ssr

Server side rendering with puppeteer and reused headless chrome instance
MIT License
27 stars 10 forks source link


Server side rendering with puppeteer / headless chrome

Read the Medium story - https://medium.com/p/6d007158ff15

This repo is meant to be an example of implementing nodejs, expressjs, and puppeteer for server side rendering using headless chrome.

To boost performance, the same chrome instance is reused on sequential loads.

Packages used

Open source projects:


Node.js 8+ is required to run.

Install from github (not published on npm yet):

$ npm install https://github.com/dblazeski/express-chrome-ssr.git
$ yarn add https://github.com/dblazeski/express-chrome-ssr.git

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ git clone https://github.com/dblazeski/express-chrome-ssr.git
$ cd express-chrome-ssr
$ npm install (or yarn install)
$ npm run dev (or yarn dev)

For production environments...

$ git clone https://github.com/dblazeski/express-chrome-ssr.git
$ cd express-chrome-ssr
$ npm install (or yarn install)
$ npm run start_production_server (or yarn start_production_server)


Specifying a port is optional, the default one is 3000

$ yarn start_production_server --port=3000

The script has two url's (you can replace localhost with your domain if running it on server or virtual box)


Want to contribute? Great! Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.

Go to the project folder and run:

$ npm run dev (or yarn dev)

A server will be spawned accesible on localhost:3000 with live reload when changes are done.

Building for source

For production release:

$ npm run build (or yarn build)

To start the pm2 server:

$ npm run start_production_server (or yarn start_production_server)

To kill the pm2 server:

$ npm run kill_production_server (or yarn kill_production_server)


MIT License