dbmi-pitt / aurora-meta

Aurora metadata portal
Apache License 2.0
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Django, uWSGI and Nginx in a container, using Supervisord

This Dockerfile shows you how to build a Docker container with a fairly standard and speedy setup for Django with uWSGI and Nginx.

uWSGI from a number of benchmarks has shown to be the fastest server for python applications and allows lots of flexibility. But note that we have not done any form of optimalization on this package. Modify it to your needs.

Nginx has become the standard for serving up web applications and has the additional benefit that it can talk to uWSGI using the uWSGI protocol, further eliminating overhead.

Most of this setup comes from the excellent tutorial on https://uwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorials/Django_and_nginx.html

The best way to use this repository is as an example. Clone the repository to a location of your liking, and start adding your files / change the configuration as needed. Once you're really into making your project you'll notice you've touched most files here.

Build and run

Build with python3

Static files

You must do the following: