dbrock / bongo

Play music with GNU Emacs
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Bongo is a flexible and usable media player for GNU Emacs. If you store your music collection locally and use structured file names, then Bongo is a great way for you to play music from within Emacs.

Bongo can be installed through MELPA using `M-x package-install'.

Getting Started

Though Bongo has certain preferences about how you name the files in your music collection (see below), you should be able to get started right away by runing `M-x bongo RET' and following the instructions.

Before getting your hands dirty, you might want to skim through the customization group for Bongo (M-x customize-group RET bongo RET'). It might be fun to browse through all of it, but at the moment the most important option isbongo-enabled-backends', which determines what external programs Bongo will use to play media.

Bongo will try to find a reasonable set of default backends by looking for the programs vlc',mpg123', ogg123',speexdec', timidity', mikmod' and `afplay'. (If you install one of these programs now, you will have to restart Emacs for Bongo to pick it up automatically.)

If you want to use another program for media playback, you can easily define your own backend. Basic play/pause functionality works with any backend, whereas other features like seeking require custom code. (The default pause functionality is implemented using `SIGSTOP'.)

Your Music Collection

For the best Bongo user experience, your music collection should have hierarchical file names. That is, they should be named according to one of the following templates:

Artist - 2014 - Album - 01 - Title.mp3 Artist - 2014 - Album - Title.mp3 Artist - Album - 01 - Title.mp3 Artist - Album - Title.mp3 Artist - Title.mp3 Title.mp3

So any reasonable combination of artist, year, album, index and title in the right order (less specific to more specific) should be okay. Embedding the metadata in the file name is simple and robust and also speeds up the process of fetching it.

You don't have to use - ' as the separator, but you can't use/' and have your files in nested directories. The information actually needs to be stored in the basename of each file.

Many people use tags (e.g., ID3v2 tags or Ogg tags) for their metadata and don't care about file names. Luckily, Bongo comes with a tool called tree-from-tags.rb, which can be used to create a hierarchy of nicely-named symlinks into your tagged media collection. The tool depends on ruby-taglib for extracting tag data from files make sure you have it installed before running the tool. Run

ruby tree-from-tags.rb --help

for more details.

Basic Commands

To start Bongo, run M-x bongo RET'. To insert a file or a whole directory of files, typei'. Then hit RET' to play one of them. To see a list of available commands, runM-x describe-mode RET'. Here are some common ones for your convenience:

i' Insert a track (or a directory tree full of tracks). RET' Start playing the track at point (and then continue). SPC' Pause playback (if supported by the backend). C-c C-s' Stop playback (or start, if already stopped). C-c C-n' Start playing the next track. C-c C-r' Start playing a random track. s' Seek backward or forward (if supported by the backend). l' Move point to the current track and recenter. `q' Quit Bongo (bury Bongo buffers and delete windows).

c' Copy the track or section under point. k' Kill the track or section under point. C-w' Kill all tracks and sections in the region. y' Reinsert the last copied or killed stuff. I u' Insert a URI (can be used to play podcasts and radio). I TAB' List other kinds of tracks that can be inserted.

2 C-c C-n' Skip the next track and start playing the one after that. 3 C-c C-s' Stop playback after the next three tracks finish playing. 3 RET' Start playing the track under point, and continue playing tracks, but stop after playing the third track. C-u C-c C-s' Stop playback after each track finishes playing (this is good when playing movies, for example). C-u C-u C-c C-s' Stop playback after the track at point finishes playing. C-u C-c C-n' Play the next track after each track finishes playing (this undoes the effect of C-u C-c C-s'). C-u C-c C-r' Play tracks in random order.

Here are some commands that are nice if you use library buffers:

h' Switch from playlist to library (or vice versa). C-u h' Switch from playlist to library (or vice versa), leaving the original buffer visible in another window. e' Append the track under point or the region (if active) to the end of the playlist buffer. 3 e' Append the track at point and the two after that to the end of the playlist buffer. E' Insert the track under point or the region (if active) into the playlist buffer, directly below the track that's currently playing. C-x C-s' Save the current buffer (library buffers are stored using the `.bongo-library' file extension).

Finally, since you've read this far, here are a few bonus commands:

d' Open a Dired buffer containing the track under point. r' Rename the file corresponding to the track under point. v' Change audio volume (requires thevolume-el' package).