dbuenzli / uuidm

Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) for OCaml
ISC License
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Uuidm — Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) for OCaml

Uuidm is an OCaml library implementing 128 bits universally unique identifiers version 3, 5 (named based with MD5, SHA-1 hashing), 4 (random based), 7 (time and random based) and 8 (custom) according to RFC 9562.

Uuidm has no dependency. It is distributed under the ISC license.

Homepage: https://erratique.ch/software/uuidm


Uuidm can be installed with opam:

opam install uuidm

If you don't use opam consult the opam file for build instructions.


The documentation can be consulted online or via odig doc uuidm.

Questions are welcome but better asked on the OCaml forum than on the issue tracker.

Sample programs

The uuidtrip tool generates UUIDs and outputs them on stdout.

See also code in the test directory.