dcernst / IBL-IntroToProof

A textbook for the transition to proof course for mathematics majors utilizing IBL.
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An Introduction to Proof via Inquiry-Based Learning


An Introduction to Proof via Inquiry-Based Learning is a textbook for the transition to proof course for mathematics majors. Designed to promote active learning through inquiry, the book features a highly structured set of leading questions and explorations. The reader is expected to construct their own understanding by engaging with the material. The content ranges over topics traditionally included in transitions courses: logic, set theory including cardinality, the topology of the real line, a bit of number theory, and more. The exposition guides and mentors the reader through an adventure in mathematical discovery, requiring them to solve problems, conjecture, experiment, explore, create, and communicate. Ultimately, this is really a book about productive struggle and learning how to learn.


The first draft of this book was written in 2009. At that time, several of the sections were adaptations of course materials written by Matthew Jones (CSU Dominguez Hills) and Stan Yoshinobu (University of Toronto). The current version of the book is the result of many iterations that involved the addition of new material, retooling of existing sections, and feedback from instructors that have used the book. The current version of the book is a far cry from what it looked like in 2009.

This book has been an open-source project since day one. Instructors and students can download the PDF for free and modify the source as they see fit. Several instructors and students have provided extremely useful feedback, which has improved the book at each iteration. Moreover, due to the open-source nature of the book, I have been able to incorporate content written by others. Below is a partial list of people (alphabetical by last name) that have contributed content, advice, or feedback.

License Information

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License. You are free to:

Under the following terms:

When attributing this work, please include the individuals listed above, as well as me.