dchaplinsky / LT2OpenCorpora

Python script to convert ukrainian morphological dictionary to OpenCorpora format. Script runs well under PyPy and also collects some stats/insights/anomalies in the dicts. Use on your own risk.
MIT License
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Python script to convert the Ukrainian morphological dictionary from the LanguageTool project to the OpenCorpora format. The script runs well under PyPy and also collects some stats/insights/anomalies in the input dictionary. Use at your own risk.

It solves these tasks:

It's all about grouping

Grouping wordforms under a particular lemma is cumbersome for various reasons. Mostly because of homonymy and the internal format of the LanguageTool dict. In a nutshell:


pip install -r requirements.txt

Batteries included

Visualised mapping between the tagsets in a great detail



python bin/lt_convert.py 1000.txt out.xml --debug