dckc / metamath-tools

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metamath-tools -- toward a metamath parser, proof checker in scala

Metamath__, by Norman Megill, is "a tiny language that can express theorems in abstract mathematics, accompanied by proofs that can be verified by a computer program."

__ http://us.metamath.org/index.html

The language is accompanied by a proof checker and a growing database of thousands of proved theorems covering conventional results in logic, set theory, number theory, group theory, algebra, analysis, and topology.

I don't recall exactly what motivated me to start a scala implementation. One idea:

Performance of the scala implementation was pretty bad; as I recall, it took about 20 minutes to parse what the original C version parses in a few seconds.

I'm picking up the project again since discovering rust__.

__ http://www.rust-lang.org/


http://www.madmode.com/2012/02/moore-method-wikipedia-free.html http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/253 __ http://www.advogato.org/person/connolly/diary/71.html

Dev Tools, Reference

http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html http://www.scalatest.org/

Origins: Typesafe Stack scaffold

.. note:: TODO: find out where this came from

A sample for the Typesafe Stack (http://typesafe.com/stack).

Scala sample project using Scala and SBT.

To run and test it use SBT invoke: 'sbt run'