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dcl gamejam CoinCollector
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Coin Collecter

dcl gamejam game



CoinCollector its round's game based on WSS sync between player. One winner, who collect max coins in round take first place and get portal to the floor of the winners! Lets go!

Gameplay Idea

Collect coins on the round map. the player who collects the most coins its round's winner and get access to the prize floor. Good Luck!


Rounds Wheel Information

Each round starts every few minutes. To Sync, you must be in percel in Sync Time. Registration will available only for sync players.


You are a winner!

This game was made for DCL GAMEJAM in real case the game's prize will be POAP token.

If you launch a scene preview and open it in two (or more) browser windows, each window will be interpreted as a separate player and a mock communications server will keep these players in sync.

Try it out

Install the CLI Download and install the Decentraland CLI by running the following command:

$ npm i -g decentraland

Previewing the scene Download this example and navigate to its directory, then run:

$  dcl start
