.db-migrate up --config ./database/config/dev.json
mysql start
npm start
"socketPath": "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
"dev": {
"host": "",
"user": "",
"password": "",
"database": "",
"driver": "mysql",
"multipleStatements": true
}, "sql-file": true
db-migrate create SQL_ACTION_NAME --config ./database/config/dev.json
to create migration files, this will create a .js file and two .sql files with the date and SQL_ACTION_NAME. The .sql file with the name 'up' should contain the migration that you want to run and the 'down' should contain the reverse to undo the migrations ran. The .js file is the logic that runs everything, this does not need to be changed usually. db-migrate up --config ./database/config/dev.json
to run all migrations in orderdb-migrate down --config./database/config/dev.json
to drop all migrationsmysql -u root -p
to log into mysqlresnet-34_kinetics.onnx
from our Google Drive( as GitHub has a file size limitresnet-34_kinetics.onnx
in the folder cvservice
by running cd cvservice
python3 ./
For authentication, we use jwt to create an access token. For dev purposes, each dev will need to set up their own ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET in their .env file. To do so:
"socketPath": "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
under dev.json To start or stop the server from running:
sudo systemctl start YourAppName.service
to start the serversudo systemctl stop YourAppName.service
to stop the serverUse with the password "pw" to login to a generic account.
For demo purposes, clicking on the returning user "Karen" will automatically log in without needing to input password.