dd86k / blake2-d

Pure D implementation of BLAKE2 + DUB package
Boost Software License 1.0
7 stars 1 forks source link
blake2 blake2b blake2s dlang


This is a library written in D implementing the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s hashing algorithms and is compatible with the Phobos Digest API (std.digest).

The BLAKE2 algorithm was introduced in 2015 as IETF RFC 7693. You can visit the website for more information.

Features (so far):


Compatible and tested with DMD, GDC, and LDC.

Pull Requests accepted.

If you would like to disclose a vulnerability, please consult SECURITY.md.


To include it in your project, simply import the blake2d package.

Digest API

If you are unfamiliar with the Digest API, here is a quick summary.

Two APIs are available: Template API and OOP API.

Template API

The template API uses a structure template and is a good choice if your application only plans to support one digest algorithm.

import std.cov : hexString;

BLAKE2b512 b2b512;
assert(b2b512.finish() == cast(ubyte[]) hexString!(
b2b512.start(); // reset
assert(b2b512.finish() == cast(ubyte[]) hexString!(


The OOP API uses a class (object) implementation and is a good choice if your application plans to support one or more digest algorithms.

import std.string : representation;
import std.conv : hexString;

Digest dgst = new BLAKE2b512Digest();
assert(dgst.finish() == cast(ubyte[]) hexString!(
assert(dgst.finish() == cast(ubyte[]) hexString!(

There are numerous ways to avoid GC allocation. For example when only using a digest for a one-time use in a short scope, there's std.typecons.scoped.


A key can be supplied to the digest using the key function.

It must be supplied before putting data in.

import std.string : representation;
import std.conv : hexString;

// Key can be between 1 to 32 bytes for BLAKE2s256
// and 1 to 64 bytes for BLAKE2b512.
// Though recommended key sizes are their respective maximum sizes.
auto secret = hexString!(
// Vector from official suite.
auto data = hexString!("000102").representation;

BLAKE2s256 b2s;

assert(b2s.finish().toHexString!(LetterCase.lower) ==


Published under the Boost License 1.0.