A game engine built using pygame based off of the Unity game engine.
1: Use the package manager pip to install pygame.
pip install pygame
2: Go to variables.py and make a screen object
go below to see examples of how to do this
Save the screen as "screen"
3: Initialize all the game objects you want underneath the screen in variables.py
To set attributes for user-made scripts call the game object from the dictionary then follow the path to the attribute
4: Load all media(images, sound, etc) into the "data" folder
5: Write the main game code into ".py" files in the "scripts/user" folder
there are two folders in scripts; "user" and "builtins" you only need to look at user
a sample file is provided in the script/user folder already
make sure to load all the packages you want by naming the file and class name at the end of the game object declaration
6: Finally run the "main.py" file to run the game
The following should appear:
from game_object import GameObject as GO
from screen_init import ScreenInit
# Creates a screen to run the game on
# screen = Init(width, height, fps, ffps, icon, name_window)
screen = Init(300, 280, 60, 100, "test.png", "myGame")
# initializes a game object onto the game screen
#loads in the script "Transform" to allow the go to be rendered on the screen and moved
#"origin" is the default parent
GameObject(name ,screen, sprite, parent, packages)
GameObject("test_object" ,screen.screen, "test.png", "origin", "Transform.transform")
#setting the attributes
GO.GAME_OBJECTS["test_object"].Transform.transform = [0,0]
GO.GAME_OBJECTS["test_object"].Transform.rotation = 0
from game_object import GameObject
class PlayerMovement:
def __init__(self, game_object):
self.game_object = game_object
def fixed_update(self):
'''Every physics frame rotate the image by 1 degree and multiply the scale by 0.999'''
self.game_object.Transform.rotation = self.game_object.Transform.rotation - 1
self.game_object.Transform.scale = [self.game_object.Transform.scale[0] * 0.999, self.game_object.Transform.scale[1] * 0.999]
#notice there is no update you do not need all the methods overriden in the player made scripts for it to run properly
if __name__ == '__main__':
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.