dddice / dddice-foundry-plugin

Roll 3D digital dice using Foundry VTT
MIT License
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dddice Foundry VTT Plugin

Roll 3D dice from Foundry VTT! Integrates dddice with Foundry VTT, providing you with a seamless dice rolling experience. Use dddice to overlay dice on your stream or simply share the fun of dice rolling in a private room.

dddice Foundry VTT Plugin

dddice vs. Dice So Nice

Dice So Nice is another 3D dice plugin for Foundry VTT, but there are few key features that separate dddice.

For more information, visit the official dddice homepage.

Can I use dddice and Dice So Nice together?


dddice and Dice So Nice play very well together. Roll your favorite dice using Dice So Nice and let dddice handle the synchronization features that let you roll on platforms such as D&D Beyond and more.

  1. Install and enable both dddice and Dice So Nice.
  2. In the module settings of dddice set Render Mode to off. This lets Dice So Nice handle Foundry VTT animations.
  3. dddice will pick up the rolls and send it to anyone else that is connected to the same dddice room.

Caveat: Your Dice So Nice themes won't show up externally; the dddice theme you selected during configuration will be used instead. Similarly, rolls made outside of Foundry VTT will show up in your instance and be handed off to Dice So Nice to be rolled with the theme selected in your Dice So Nice configs.


dddice is built with our community in mind! We are extremely interested in your feedback. Interested in connecting with us?

Documentation and API

dddice features a robust API and SDK to build applications with.


dddice is compatible with Foundry VTT v9+, 10+.


If you would like to contribute to this extension, follow the instructions below.

You will need Node.js and NPM.

# Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:dddice/dddice-foundry-plugin.git

# Install dependencies
npm i

# add your Foundry VTT credentials to the environment
export FOUNDRY_USERNAME=<your_user_name_goes_here>
export FOUNDRY_PASSWORD=<your_password_goes_here>

# (optional) Use Docker to start foundry
docker compose up v10 #or v9 if you prefer

# (if you are using docker) Grant access to the module dir / build output dir
sudo chmod -R 777 data/Data/modules

# Start the package bundler
npm run start
