ddeboer / GuzzleBundle

A Symfony2 bundle for integrating Guzzle, a PHP framework for building RESTful web service clients
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DdeboerGuzzleBundle is a Symfony2 bundle for integrating the Guzzle PHP library in your project.


Installation is a quick (I promise!) 4 step process:

  1. Download DdeboerGuzzleBundle
  2. Configure the Autoloader
  3. Enable the Bundle
  4. Configure the DdeboerGuzzleBundle

Step 1: Download DdeboerGuzzleBundle

Ultimately, the GuzzleBundle files should be downloaded to the vendor/bundles/Ddeboer/GuzzleBundle directory.

This can be done in several ways, depending on your preference. The first method is the standard Symfony2 method.

Using the vendors script

Add the following lines in your deps file:



Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:

$ php bin/vendors install

Using submodules

If you prefer instead to use git submodules, then run the following:

$ git submodule add git://github.com/guzzle/guzzle.git vendor/guzzle
$ git submodule add git://github.com/ddeboer/GuzzleBundle vendor/bundles/Ddeboer/GuzzleBundle
$ git submodule update --init

Step 2: Configure the Autoloader

Add the Guzzle and Ddeboer namespace to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php
    // ...
    'Guzzle'           => __DIR__.'/../vendor/guzzle/src',
    'Ddeboer'          => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',

Step 3: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Ddeboer\GuzzleBundle\DdeboerGuzzleBundle(),

Step 4: Configure the DdeboerGuzzleBundle

# app/config/config.yml
        configuration_file: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/webservices.xml"

And add a Guzzle services configuration file. See the Guzzle documentation.

<!-- app/config/webservices.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <!-- Abstract service to store AWS account credentials -->
        <client name="abstract.aws">
            <param name="access_key" value="12345" />
            <param name="secret_key" value="abcd" />
        <!-- Amazon S3 client that extends the abstract client -->
        <client name="s3" class="Guzzle.Aws.S3.S3Client" extends="abstract.aws">
            <param name="devpay_product_token" value="XYZ" />
            <param name="devpay_user_token" value="123" />
        <client name="simple_db" class="Guzzle.Aws.SimpleDb.SimpleDbClient" extends="abstract.aws" />
        <client name="sqs" class="Guzzle.Aws.Sqs.SqsClient" extends="abstract.aws" />
        <!-- Unfuddle client -->
        <client name="unfuddle" class="Guzzle.Unfuddle.UnfuddleClient">
            <param name="username" value="test-user" />
            <param name="password" value="my-password" />
            <param name="subdomain" value="my-subdomain" />


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:
