ddewaele / jQueryDataTablesGrunt

Sample project using Grunt / Backbone / jQuery DataTables
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This is a sample project built using the Yeoman stack.

The goal was to setup a project using the following technology stack

The idea was to not only put in place the project structure (thank you yeoman) but also to

Current issues

Running grunt serve:dist

The error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined 

I'm guessing the error comes from


See Issue 1 for more info.

Yo scaffolding

The project was started using yo, the scaffolding tool.

yo backbone jQueryDataTablesGrunt

The following bower.json is generated as a result of the yo command.

"name": "jquerydatatablesgrunt",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
  "sass-bootstrap": "~3.0.0",
  "jquery": "~1.9.0",
  "underscore": "~1.4.3",
  "backbone": "~1.0.0",
  "requirejs": "~2.1.5",
  "requirejs-text": "~2.0.5",
  "modernizr": "~2.6.2"
"devDependencies": {}

Application dependencies

As you can see yo already included libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap (the sass port) and jQuery.

Next thing we need to do is install the datatables dependency. jQuery datatables is available through bower, and we can install the dependency in our app and update the bower.json file at the same time using the command below:

bower install datatables --save

You should get the following output:

bower datatables#*              cached git://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git#1.9.4
bower datatables#*            validate 1.9.4 against git://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git#*
bower jquery#~1.8.0             cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#1.8.3
bower jquery#~1.8.0           validate 1.8.3 against git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#~1.8.0
bower jquery#>= 1.9.0           cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#2.1.0
bower jquery#>= 1.9.0         validate 2.1.0 against git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#>= 1.9.0

You will get a jquery conflict that needs to be resolved:

Unable to find a suitable version for jquery, please choose one:
      1) jquery#~1.8.0 which resolved to 1.8.3 and has datatables#1.9.4 as dependants
      2) jquery#~1.9.0 which resolved to 1.9.1 and has jquerydatatablesgrunt as dependants
      3) jquery#>= 1.9.0 which resolved to 2.1.0 and has sass-bootstrap#3.0.2 as dependants

Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json

  [?] Answer: 2
  bower datatables#~1.9.4        install datatables#1.9.4

  datatables#1.9.4 app/bower_components/datatables
  └── jquery#1.9.1

After all of this, your bower.json will look like this:

"name": "jquerydatatablesgrunt",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
  "sass-bootstrap": "~3.0.0",
  "jquery": "~1.9.0",
  "underscore": "~1.4.3",
  "backbone": "~1.0.0",
  "requirejs": "~2.1.5",
  "requirejs-text": "~2.0.5",
  "modernizr": "~2.6.2",
  "datatables": "~1.9.4"
"devDependencies": {}

Another dependency we need is the datatables bootstrap3 extension. This is a modified version of jQuery Datatables that plays nice with Twitter Bootstrap 3.

For that we need to have the following dependency declred in our dependencies section:

"datatables-bootstrap3": "git@github.com:Jowin/Datatables-Bootstrap3.git",

This can be done by executing

bower install datatables-bootstrap3=git@github.com:Jowin/Datatables-Bootstrap3.git --save

After that command the datatables bootstrap3 extension will be added to your bower.json file and it should look like this:

  "name": "jquerydatatablesgrunt",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "sass-bootstrap": "~3.0.0",
    "jquery": "~1.9.0",
    "underscore": "~1.4.3",
    "backbone": "~1.0.0",
    "requirejs": "~2.1.5",
    "requirejs-text": "~2.0.5",
    "modernizr": "~2.6.2",
    "datatables": "~1.9.4",
    "datatables-bootstrap3": "git@github.com:Jowin/Datatables-Bootstrap3.git"
  "devDependencies": {}

Notice how the datatables-bootstrap3 was added with the github url

RequireJS configuration

Now that we have all of our libraries downloaded and install, we can configure them in RequireJS (our main.js)

We'll need to include a shim config for the datatables-bootstrap3 library so that RequireJS knows it depends on the datatables library.

    shim: {
        datatablesBootstrap3: {
            deps: ['datatables']
    paths: {
        datatables: '../bower_components/datatables/media/js/jquery.datatables',
        datatablesBootstrap3: '../bower_components/datatables-bootstrap3/BS3/assets/js/datatables',

CSS Dependencies

The 2 libraries used here (jQuery Datatables and the Bootstrap 3 extension) do not only contain javascript resources but they also have CSS resources that we need to include in our project.

The core Twitter bootstrap dependencies are handled by the main.scss file (the SASS port of the Bootstrap CSS).

However, our 2 other libraries aren't SASS enabled so we need to include them in another way.

One way of doing it is to add them in your index.html as a useMin block.

<!-- build:css styles/modules.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/ddewaele/jQueryDataTablesGrunt/blob/master/bower_components/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/ddewaele/jQueryDataTablesGrunt/blob/master/bower_components/datatables-bootstrap3/BS3/assets/css/datatables.css">        
<!-- endbuild -->

During development, the CSS files will be served from the bower_components folder.

When building / packaging your app, useMin will concat all of these css files into a single modules.css.

You'll notice that during the build useMin will detect this block

Found a block:
        <!-- build:css styles/modules.css -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/ddewaele/jQueryDataTablesGrunt/blob/master/bower_components/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/ddewaele/jQueryDataTablesGrunt/blob/master/bower_components/datatables-bootstrap3/BS3/assets/css/datatables.css">        
        <!-- endbuild -->
Updating config with the following assets:
    - app/bower_components/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css
    - app/bower_components/datatables-bootstrap3/BS3/assets/css/datatables.css

And later the modules.css file will be generated by the concat task

Running "concat:dist/styles/modules.css" (concat) task
File "dist/styles/modules.css" created.

And finally the usemin task will ensure that the modules.css is properly versioned.

Running "usemin:css" (usemin) task

Processing as CSS - dist/styles/b41c1ce6.modules.css
Update the CSS with new img filenames

RequireJS bootstrap

Our main.js requires app.js to be loaded. It then proceeds to initialize our application.

], function (App) {

Bootstrap application

Our application, app.js simply prepares a Router object that is initialized upon app initialization.

], function($, _, Backbone, Router,i18n,DatatablesBootstrap3){

    var initialize = function(){

    return {
        initialize: initialize

Bootstrap router

Our bootstrap router defines the actual router, and allows it to be initialized. In this simple router, we expose a single route callled blogs. This means when we target our browser to http://localhost:9000/#blogs, the blogListView.render(); will be executed.

], function ($, Backbone,BlogListView) {
    'use strict';

    var BlogRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
             "blogs" : "viewBlogs"

    var blogListView = new BlogListView();

    var initialize = function(){

        var router = new BlogRouter;

        router.on('route:viewBlogs', function(){

        console.log("Router intialized")

        return router;

    return {
        initialize: initialize

So we have a main -> app -> router dependency chain.

Bootstrap view

The Bootstrap view is very simple and renders 100 blog objects into a table. Here we're using the jQuery DataTables extenson to set some properties on the table.

], function ($, _, Backbone, JST) {
    'use strict';

    var BlogListView = Backbone.View.extend({
        template: JST['app/scripts/templates/blogs.html'],

        el: $('.page'),

        render: function(){

            var blogs = [];
            for (var i=1 ; i<=100 ; i++) {
                blogs.push({title:"title " + i,content:"content" + i});

            this.$el.html(this.template({ blogs: blogs }));

            var table = $('#blog-list-datatable').dataTable( {
                "aoColumns": [

            } );

            if (table.length>0) {
                table.fnSort( [ [0,'asc'] ] );


    return BlogListView;

JST Templates

We're going to store our HTML templates (underscore templates) in the <%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/templates folder, so update the Gruntfile.js accordingly.

        jst: {
            files: [
                '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/templates/**/*.html'
            tasks: ['jst']


    jst: {
        options: {
            amd: true
        compile: {
            files: {
                '.tmp/scripts/templates.js': ['<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/templates/**/*.html']


https://datatables.net/ https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin http://sass-lang.com/ http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks