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This repository contains information on setting up and using a Jetson Nano with different sensors such as a camera, a microphone, and an environmental sensor.
To get started with your Jetson Nano, go to the setup directory.
Afterwards, take a look at the camera, enviSensor, microphone, and projects directories.
Repository Flow Chart
An overview of the instructions found in the repository.
Directory Contents
- Directory containing instructions on how to set up and use the camera with the Jetson Nano along with some example code
- Directory containing instructions on how to set up and use the BME680 enviornmental sensor the your Jetson Nano along with some example code
- Directory containing instructions on how to set up and use the microphone with the Jetson Nano along with some example code
- Directory containing various example projects on how to use the microphone, camera, and environmental sensor together to accomplish tasks
- Directory containing instructions on how to set up the Jetson Nano in both headfull and headless mode
- A file that specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
Students: Aldo Malaquias Cabrera (UChicago), Andrew Garcia (UChicago), Eric Sledge (Claflin), Joseph Katula (NIU)
Mentors: Valerie Taylor (UChicago), Michael Papka (NIU)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OAC 1935984.