ddicorpo / RecruitInc

2018 - 2019 Capstone Project for Team RecruitInc
1 stars 0 forks source link


Demo UI

A testing demo is available at: https://youtu.be/nvL2ha0XUYo?t=342

Project purpose

The purpose of this software is to facilitate the job of HR employees in charge of finding new developers. We were tasked with finding a new way to gather information about potential candidates to be hired.

The tool outputs a ranked list of Github users in a specific location tailored to the specific skills the HR employee is looking for. With the help of a matching algorithm and a process continuously running to find new users on Github, we were able to rank these users in a comprehensive visual list.

Environment Setup

Tool Version Usage Link
docker v18.3.1 Build container images docker.com
NodeJS v11.14 Main Server Run time nodejs
npm v6.9 Package manager npm
MongoDB >= v3.4 NoSQL cluster MongoDB

How to start the project?

  1. Setup the multiple .env files
  2. Start all services using docker

Setup .env environment






Launch Containers

Each service has a Dockerfile the project can be launched using Docker. You should make sure to launch the toggle-feature first.

Toggle-feature Commands:

Logging System Docker Commands:

Back-End Docker Commands:

Front-End Docker Commands:

Front-End Questionnaire Commands:


Run Unit Test (Back-End)

Run Unit Test Coverage (Back-End)

alt text

Run Unit Test (Front-End)

Run Unit Test Coverage (Front-End)

(attempt to use/install Jest + enzyme + webpack + typescript)

Testing Front-End

shallow: isolate test to a single component mount: Used for DOM rendering, can test using lifecycle componentDidMount render: redering static HTML in react componenent (optional function)


Connect to Mongo DB from Intellij IDE

Connect to the database on our server


Online Log Storage

Local Log Storage


The back-end and front-end a dependent on the feature toggle. Features like candidate sorting are controlled by feature toggle.


Our unique cron-job is used to collect data from GitHub.

Debug Configuration for back-end using Intellij