ddmarshall / IBL

Tools to model boundary layer flows using the integral relations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This project provides a python library to model the viscous effects for thin boundary layers using the integral boundary layer method. Check out the documentation <https://ddmarshall.github.io/IBL/index.html>__ for more info.

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Example Usage

Currently there are a few concrete models to use. One is Thwaites' method [Thwaites1949]_, which is a single equation model for laminar boundary layers. Given an edge velocity distribution, u_e, points along the boundary layer edge, s, and initial momentum thickness, delta_m0, the class will calculate the boundary layer properties. These properties can then be queried at any point along the body. For example:

.. code-block:: python

from ibl.thwaites_method import ThwaitesMethodNonlinear

# Configure edge information
u_e = ...  # edge velocity profile
s = ...  # arc-length distance from stagnation point
rho_inf = ...  # reference density
nu_inf = ...  # reference kinematic viscosity

# Calculate the initial coditions
delta_m0 = ...  # initial momentum thickness

# Construct IBL model
tm = ThwaitesMethodNonlinear(U_e=u_e)
tm.initial_delta_m = delta_m0
rtn = tm.solve(x0=s[0], x_end=s[-1])

# Obtain results
if not rtn.success:
    print("Could not get solution for Thwaites method: " + rtn.message)
    tau_wall = tm.tau_w(s, rho_inf)

Similarly for a turbulent boundary layer, Head's method [Head1958]_ can be used to calculate the properties for a turbulent boundary layer. In addition to the initial momentum thickness, the initial displacement shape factor, shape_d0, is needed to initialize the model. Otherwise, the interface is the same as for Thwaites' method:

.. code-block:: python

from ibl.head_method import HeadMethod

# Configure edge information
u_e = ...  # edge velocity profile
s = ...  # arc-length distance from stagnation point
rho_inf = ...  # reference density
nu_inf = ...  # reference kinematic viscosity

# Calculate the initial coditions
delta_m0 = ...  # initial momentum thickness
shape_d0 = ...  # initial displacement shape factor

# Construct IBL model
hm = ThwaitesMethodNonlinear(U_e=U_e)
hm.initial_delta_m = delta_m0
hm.initial_shape_d = shape_d0
rtn = hm.solve(x0=s[0], x_end=s[-1])

# Obtain results
if not rtn.success:
    print("Could not get solution for Thwaites method: " + rtn.message)
    tau_wall = hm.tau_w(s, rho_inf)

.. [Thwaites1949] Thwaites, B. “Approximate Calculation of the Laminar Boundary Layer.” The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1949, pp. 245–280. .. [Head1958] Head, M. R. Entrainment in the Turbulent Boundary Layer. Publication 3152. Ministry of Aviation, Aeronautical Research Council, 1958.


The main contributors to this project are:

Version History


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License <license.rst>__ along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.