ddomingues / angular2-devise-token-auth

Helper library for working with Devise Token Auth in your Angular 2 applications
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angular2-devise-token-auth is a helper library for working with Devise Token Auth in your Angular 2 applications.


npm install angular2-devise-token-auth --save

The library comes with some helpers that are useful in your Angular 2 apps.

  1. AuthHttp - a wrapper around Angular's Http that allows for individual and explicit authenticated HTTP requests
  2. AuthService - provide the following features according the api:
    • sign in
    • sign up
    • sign out
    • validate token

How it works

Use AuthService for your authentication workflows. After you signIn() using AuthService, use AuthHttp throughout your application instead of Angular's Http. All requests will be authorized through the headers that will be sent automatically. You don't need to worry about it :sunglasses:.


It's supposed that you used Angular CLI to create your app.

  1. Include Auth library in the vendor files

    Open angular-cli-build.js.

    Include the library in the vendorNpmFiles array:

    var Angular2App = require('angular-cli/lib/broccoli/angular2-app');
    module.exports = function(defaults) {
      return new Angular2App(defaults, {
        vendorNpmFiles: [
  2. System.js

    Open /src/system-config.ts. Modify the file like below:

    /** Map relative paths to URLs. */
    const map:any = {
      'angular2-devise-token-auth': 'vendor/angular2-devise-token-auth/dist'
    /** User packages configuration. */
    const packages: any = {
      'angular2-devise-token-auth': {
        main: 'angular2-devise-token-auth.js'
  3. Bootstrap: The AuthService need to know where the auth endpoint is. So you need to pass it as an argument. So open /src/main.ts, inject the Auth providers, and specify your default endpoint:

    import {AUTH_PROVIDERS, authService} from 'angular2-devise-token-auth';
    class App {
      constructor() {}
    bootstrap(App, [

How to use


Use AuthService to register and/or sign in your users. Doing so will automatically store your signed-in user in authHeaders that will be passed to the server with each request.

import {AuthService} from 'angular2-devise-token-auth';

@Component({ ... })
export class SomeComponent {

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {

  register() {
      email: 'foo@bar.com',
      password: '123456',
      password_confirmation: '123456',
    }).subscribe(res => console.log('Successful Registration: ', res));

  signIn() {
      email: 'foo@bar.com',
      password: '123456'
    }).subscribe(res => console.log('Signed In successfully: ', res));


Use AuthHttp instead of Http in your services to automatically include devise authorization headers in each request.

import {AuthHttp} from 'angular2-devise-token-auth';

export class SomeService {
  thing: string;

  constructor(private authHttp: AuthHttp) {}

  getThing() {
    return this.authHttp.get('http://example.com/api/thing');

Running unit tests

npm test

How to contribute :heart_eyes:

Follow the GitHub Flow

Pull Requests always will be welcome :metal: