ddshan / hand_object_detector

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cvpr2020 dataset handobjectdetection interactiondetection

Hand Object Detector

This is the code for our paper Understanding Human Hands in Contact at Internet Scale (CVPR 2020, Oral).

Dandan Shan, Jiaqi Geng, Michelle Shu, David F. Fouhey



This repo is the pytorch implementation of our Hand Object Detector based on Faster-RCNN.

More information can be found at our:


[New] Now, it is compatible with newer pytorch version. Thanks ajonnavittula and relh for helping figure out the compile files. Create a conda env called handobj_new, install pytorch-1.12.1, cuda-11.3:

[Old, deprecated] Create a conda env called handobj, install pytorch-1.0.1, cuda-10.0:


First of all, clone the code

git clone && cd hand_object_detector

Environment & Compilation

Install all the python dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile the cuda dependencies using following simple commands:

cd lib
python build develop


Since the repo is modified based on faster-rcnn.pytorch (use branch pytorch-1.0), if you have futher questions about the environments, the issues in that repo may help.

Performance (AP)