Everyone Names All Census Tracts (ENACT)
Currently, census tracts are named with numbers, and we have hard time remembering and communicating census tracts to each other.
Do you know where Census Tract 30.02 is? What about Census Tract 6.01? You may find it difficult to recognize these regions. This repo's goal is to name census tracts with human-friendly names, such as "Riverside" and "Eastlake".
Naming census tracts requires human effort. The team at Data Lab had a hackathon where we manually labeled all census tracts in Delaware. The results are saved in the CSV file in this repo.
The next step is to make sure that these names actually represent names recognized by the people living in the geography. To do so, we need a web app that can do the following:
The minimally viable version of the app may be just a map with suggested census tracts. Anyone can submit edits on GitHub for this version.