deadcyclo / WarpMarkers

GNU General Public License v2.0
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WarpMarkers Bukkit Plugin


This plugin outputs a JSON file containing the locations of Warppoints from the Essentials Bukkit plugin for use with various Minecraft mapping software. When clicking on a marker on the map, the following information is shown: The name of the warppoint, who created it, and when, who last used it, and when. In addition WarpMarkers shows live messages for any Warppoint related event on the map (can be turned off). The project includes all of the files needed and installation instructions for the Minecraft Overviewer map generator. The events shown are: warppoint created, warppoint used and warppoint deleted.

A live map using WarpMarkers is found at



  1. Download the zip-file
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip-file
  3. Put the WarpMarkers.jar file in your plugin folder
  4. Stop and start Minecraft
  5. On first run, WarpMarkers will generate the configuration files needed in a folder called WarpMarkers in your plugin folder containing default values (by default it will output the JSON files to <minecraft_server_working_directory>/world/
  6. To change see the configuration section below


The following configuration options for configuring the plugin itself are available in the <pluginfolder>/WarpMarkers/config.yml file:

The following configuration options for configuring how the plugin interacts with the map are available in the WarpMarkers.js file (see the setup sections for more information about this file):

Setup for Minecraft Overviewer

  1. Perform installation (see above)

  2. Edit <minecraftpluginfolder>/WarpMarkers/config.yml so that the warpmarkers.json file is placed in the same folder as your Minecraft Overviewer output. Alternatively on GNU/Linux don't edit config.yml, make a symlink. If you change the name of the file, you must reflect said namechange in the WarpMarkers.js file.

  3. Edit <minecraftpluginfolder>/WarpMarkers/config.yml so that the warpupdates.json file is placed in the same folder as your Minecraft Overviewer output. Alternatively on GNU/Linux don't edit config.yml, make a symlink. If you change the name of the file, you must reflect said namechange in the WarpMarkers.js file.

  4. Stop Minecraft

  5. Start Minecraft

  6. Copy all of the files and folders in the web_assets folder to the web_assets folder your Minecraft Overviewer uses.

  7. Add the following three lines to the index.html file in the web_assets folder your Minecraft Overviewer uses. Add them directly before the </head> tag:

    • <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
    • <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    • <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  8. In the same file, add ;warpmarkers.init(); to the bodies onload. In other words replace <body onload="overviewer.util.initialize()"> with <body onload="overviewer.util.initialize();warpmarkers.init();">

  9. Run Minecraft Overviewer and everything should work

Setup for Pigmap

TODO. Coming soon.

Version history

Known bugs



  1. Unzip the zip-file or clone the project (git clone
  2. Make a sub-directory named lib
  3. Download the Craftbukkit .jar file and put it in the lib directory
  4. If different, rename it to craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Download the Essentials .jar file and put it in the lib directory
  6. If different, rename it to Essentials.jar
  7. Download the JSON simple .jar file and put it in the lib directory
  8. If different, rename it to json_simple-1.1.jar
  9. Create a plugin.yml file for the project
  10. In the top directory run make (or make WarpMarkers.jar or make


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_project)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added Something")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_project)
  5. Create an [Issue][1] with a link to your branch
  6. Enjoy a cup of coffee or ten and wait

External projects used

Notifications use gritter jQuery plugin by Jordan Boesch

The map marker (cropcircles.png) is from the Map Icons Collection project by Nicolas Mollet

The WarpMarkers icon warp.jgp is a remake of this image by Torley Olmstead

The following libraries where also used: