deadmann / AdvancedRestHandler

A utility code that can be used to request Data from services...
MIT License
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api-client csharp rest-client


A utility code that can be used to request Data from services...

This library is based on my experience and need of working in the past company, taking many services in. I could handle any request so far using it, and every time I felt it doesn't support my need, i tried to expand it.


First install the package using following commands, or download it manually from release section...

Install-Package AdvancedRestHandler -Version 1.7.0


dotnet add package AdvancedRestHandler --version 1.7.0

Then you can use the library. The requests can be done as simply as calling:

AdvancedRestHandler arh = new AdvancedRestHandler([baseUrl], [fixEndOfUrl]);
TResponse response = arh.GetData<TResponse>(url, [options]);

in the above code, in the AdvancedRestHandler constructor:

-baseUrl is a fixed part of url in a service, which can also be null -fixEndOfUrl is to automatically attach path as resource in a way that base url of "https://test.test" and calling a operation service of "the-service" had a result of "https://test.testthe-service" or in the other hand, base url of "https://test.test/" and a service url of "/the-service" would result in "https://test.test//the-service", but with this option which is true by default, it will result in "https://test.test/the-service". but due to some services, which they think of '/' as part of the path, and it's existance mean different route, I kept the flag, so it can be turned off.

in the GetData:

Also note that request can be:


There are option exceptions for external HttpClient and IHttpClientFactory that are consumed by ArhRestHandler.


The Arh RestHandlerInitializerOptions is a model that provide options that you will set in the beginning of Arh life-cycle


The Arh RestHandlerRequestOptions is a model that provide options per request of ARH