This a port of the grbl 0.8c g-code interpreter to the STM32F4 SoC
The STM32F4 SoC has attractive features for a realtime G-Code interpreter and machine controller.
- Lot's of IO - it's possible to run more stepper motors, more limit switches, etc.
- A Floating Point Unit - good for doing the linear/circular interpolation math.
- Fast (168MHz 32-bit versus 16MHz 8-bit for the atmega328p).
Target Platform
STM32F4Discovery Board
Build tools:
GCC Toolchain
STLink Programming Tool
Target CNC Machine
This code is a straight port of grbl and is adaptable to many stepper drivers and CNC machines.
My test and development has used:
Gecko Drives G540 4-Axis Digital Step Drive
KRMx01 CNC Router
- Support for XYZY axes operation has been added. ie- Two stepper motors, controlled in the same way, are used to drive the Y-axis.
- All input signals (homing switches, e-stop, etc.) are debounced in software.
- Non-volatile EEPROM storage of configuration parameters is not currently supported. The EEPROM facility is being faked with RAM based storage. The desired machine parameters should be compiled into the firmware.
- The CDC USB serial device implemented on the board is not as reliable as it needs to be. Pending bug fixes the option of a normal serial port using the USART hardware has been implemented. This can be enabled in the makefile by setting "USB_SERIAL = 0".