deanlacap / photogram

Instagram Clone Project - Photogram
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Photogram, an instagram clone, is a photo sharing application that allows users to publicly share their photos. Users can upload and create posts with captions. Users are also able to like other user's posts.

Technologies Used

Photogram is built with a Ruby on Rails backend with a React-Redux frontend.

AWS S3 is used to store the uploaded posts

Features and Functionality

User Authentication - Users are able to log in and have access to features

Posts - Authenticated users are able to create, edit, and delete their posts. Users can create posts by uploading a photo with an optional caption.

Likes - Authenticated users are able to like posts. Users are able to like a posts once by clicking on the heart and remove that like by clicking on the heart button again.

. Future Implementations

Comments - Users and the original poster of the image will be able to comment as many times as they'd like on the post.

Notifications - Users will be able to receive notifications of when other users like and comment on their posts. This feature will be implemented using websockets.

Direct Messaging - Users will be able to receive direct messages from other users. This feature will also be implemented using websockets.