deanm / plask

Plask is a multimedia programming environment.
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Plask is a programming environment for multimedia and computational design.

For the common user, it is best to use the binary distribution provided at If you're interested in building and running from source, the following section should help you get started.

Plask integrates together quite a few pieces of technology, which unfortunately makes the build process more complicated. It is possible to do a boostrapped build, where you only build the Plask source file, but use prebuilt object files for Plask's dependencies. Run the script to download and extract a copy of these prebuilt dependencies. When fetching new source changes to Plask, you will have to be aware if there have been any changes to the prebuilt dependencies, and if so, to run again.

For example, to build from a completely new checkout would look something like:

$ sh $ xcodebuild -project plask.xcodeproj -configuration Release -target Plask

This should produce For some technical and design reasons, is effectively a commandline application inside a bundle. For example, running on the command line will start a Node-style REPL loop, an interactive JavaScript shell of sorts.

Pass a filename on the command line to run that JavaScript file.

NOTE: To ease development, the built has a symlink to plask.js in the source. This allows you to edit plask.js in the source repository without having to rebuild the project.

A separate project, PlaskLauncher, creates the UI application for launching Plask by dragging/dropping or File->Open.

When is launched, it will look for a file named main.js inside of the bundle (in Contents/Resources). This allows you to easily create standalone applications by copying and putting your JavaScript source inside of the bundle.

NOTE: When running "bundled", the current working directory will likely be different from running Plask on the command line. Generally this means if you open files you should open a path relative to __dirname, which is Node's global variable for the directory that your JavaScript file is in.

Released under the BSD license. Full details in the included LICENSE file.

(c) 2010, Dean McNamee

This software contains code and ideas from the fantastic:

Nicolas Garcia Belmonte Thatcher Ulrich Ryan Alexander Marcin Ignac

Built with the fantastic:

V8 JavaScript Engine Skia rasterization library NodeJS Cocoa and OpenGL FreeImage Syphon