by Vince "deater" Weaver, vince at
A somewhat increasingly innacurately named git repository containing most of my Apple II work.
Originally this just contained the dos33 tools found under ./utils/dos33* but now has a lot of other things.
asm_routines some common assembly language routines (many are out of date)
basic Applesoft BASIC and appleiibot code
combo_disk A script to generate a "combo" disk with lots of demos on it
compression code compression tests
demos all of my various demoscene demos
disk disk access code, mostly from qkumba
docs various text documents
ethernet code for accessing the Uthernet II, including a webserver in Applesoft BASIC
games various games and demake games by me
graphics where I develop/test out graphics code
joystick where I develop/test out joystick code
linker_scripts common linker scripts for ca65 assembler
music mockingboard (ay-3-8910) demos/programs/routines including the pt3_lib software
textmode where I develop/test out textmode code
utils various useful utilities for developing Apple II code under Linux including graphics conversion routines and disk manipulation tools
vaporlock where I develop/test out race-the-beam, mid-screen switching, floating-bus and vaporlock code